News from shows! (
07/08/2006 )
There is some news from the last shows. This summer we are doing great at the shows!
18th of June, Ogre
In 18th of June we took part in all breed dog show in Ogre. Our female shery awarded her third LV CAC so completing LV Championship. Also she recieved CQ, BOB and BIG-5!! Cruz awarded CQ, BOO and CAC. Our puppy Avalanche of Baltic Amber recieved a mark 'Very perspective' and PP. Alsi in puppy BIS he has been chosen for the first 10th. The jugde was Zidy Munsterhielm-Ehnberg from Finland.
29th of July in Marupe
In 29th of July we took part in all breed dog show organized by 'Reto' club. It was a very good show. The best part was a Senior Hendler show - above 18 years old :) At this show we had shown our new female Pearl. She recieved her first LV CAC. In Junior class there vas a tough competition. Results of Junior competition:
Armon's Shadow of Baltic Amber - JCAC, CQ, BOB and BIG-2! Avalance of Baltic Amber - Excelent and second place
Jugde - Marina Patrina, Russia
05.08 "Vilnius Summer 2006"
Armon's Shadow of Baltic Amber - JCAC, JN, 2nd best male
Lexi - LT CAC, N, CACIB Best Female
Shery - LT CAC, Excelent
Cruz - R.Cacib, Excelent
Jugde - Marek Grabokwski, Poland
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